

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Crockpot dinner makes one part of my day mindless

Okay ladies...

So I promised that I would post my recipes on here. Today I knew was going to be a whirlwind of a day for me so I used my frozen crock pot dinner as a lifesaver. While the kids ate breakfast I set up the crock pot and opened up the bag of my roast pork for dinner.

Grab a glass of wine, a glass of martini or a nice cup of tea. Put up your feet and take a glimpse into my day. I was up at 6:20am today as I did not make lunches for my kids last night and I knew I had a ton to do. I had to get the kids on the bus, stop by the church and meet a girlfriend for coffee by 8:45. I was on schedule after 50 pictures of my lunch boxes and my little girl..We take pictures everyday of her for 100 days for her 100 day project at school. Okay so I know it should be one picture a day but I take like mmmmhhhh 10...So I will have a 1000 pics for 100 days of school but whose counting right ?

Then I realize I am out of gas so I call my girlfriend to let her know but she was dropping her kids off too. I get to coffee and I knew it was the only peace and quiet in my day until now... I relax and chat and we are catching up on jib jab... a few moms come in and they say hi and talk to me about the crock pot recipes.. they tell me I was the topic of discussion at their luncheon :) :) :) I am so glad I can share my adventures with you.

SO for those that do not know me on facebook I came up with my freezable crock pot meals and made 10 in less than two hours. It has been an overwhelming response so I created a page called Moms, Martinis and Munchkins... or something..Here it is

I then race off to meet a client I squeezed into my day..4 houses later I had to leave to pick up an out of town client from the Atlantis...I will share the joys of home showings in another post... Around 2 pm I drop off my client at the hotel and squeeze in the client from the morning again to write a full price offer on a house. Then I had to call the school and tell them to have the kids ride the bus home and I raced home to get them from the bus stop...I barely made it. We grab a snack and head to cub scouts.. I call clients to tell them their offer is accepted and listen to them screeching..... YAY !!! Happy day... for them ...i still have 200 emails to read and two more offers to write.,,,Yeah I will be up till the sun comes up tonight..I am taking a break to share with you my pics of dinner and the easy easy recipe...Keep reading...

So we are at cub scouts at 4:30 and then I am working out with the kids in my long dress and boots... as they are earning their athletic badges... Then there is sprained ankle... he is okay..then two kids coming running to get us as one boy fell off the play structure landed on his face...covered in blood and a possible sprained arm...the leader is so awesome and had a first aid kit and we all assist as I babysit another boy as his mom had to go to school and I was waiting for dad...then it gets gloomy and dark and starts to rain as I race to get to the school by 5:30 for the PTO meeting..yes did I fail to mention I am now the secretary of the PTO ...It was a great meeting with a good number of parents that showed up. On the way home at 6:30 I remembered we were out of milk and called hubby as I thought he was home cooking my egg noodles but he never made it I had to race home and cook egg noodles and his punishment was to bring me a bottle of wine heheeeee!

Now her are pictures of my was really delicious but a little too salty..I need to read the labels on the soup can a little closer next time. I kind of threw this together so it does not have a name.

Pork Roast and Lipton mix ( is what I will call it )
one large can of cream of mushroom soup
a bag of lipton onion soup mix
throw it together and call it good

EASY RIGHT ...and it tastes sooo good.

I served it with egg noodles and veggies. You can serve with mash potatoes as it makes a great gravy and a salad or just veggies.

Hope you try it. Please leave me some feedback. I promise not all my recipe posts will be so long...


DeAnna said...

Hi there! Wondering if you ever had a chance to post the ingredients for the freezer crockpot meals- Thank you! DeAnna

Kerri said...

Would LOVE the crock pot recipes!